The technologies related with Nano Science, Nano Technology and soft matter are considered third in application domain at global level after the branches of Information Technology and Internet which will have immense opportunities of employment for the youth of Uttarakhand and the education of these branches is supposed to address the problems being faced by the state related with forest fire, Non-Biodegradable waste material management, Water conservation, Forest conservation, Climate change and illegal wildlife trade. It is proposed that this institute shall have the facilities to apply nano medicine processing. Based on the evolved techniques, the institute shall be in a position to guide the concerned State Government authorities in the areas mentioned above as well as in the domains of agriculture, medicine production and food processing. This institute of the university shall also explore the possibility of using CO2 available in the air in decomposition of waste materials in water into useful products. It will also be tried how Nano CO2 harvesters can be used in transformation of CO2 into methanol which is used as a fuel in engines. The researches related with these disciplines will be used in customization of the techniques at local level and in the best interest of the inhabitants of the region and students of the University.
Industrialization is taking place at very fast pace in the areas adjoining the University and the waste material coming out of the factories and the fertilizers and pesticides being used in agricultural fields are affecting the health and life of the inhabitants of the region more badly then plastic and rubber. The university proposes the use of Poly Lactic acid based nano particles to address the problems mentioned above. The challenge of saving the life of inhabitants by removing the radioactive ions from the impure water with the help of titanate nano fibers and utilization of three tier technology of identification, cleaning and conversion of harmful elements compounds are also proposed in this institute of the University.
Popularization of the technique of use of Nano Mesh in addressing the problem of forest fire can be undertaken in the institute by undertaking research programs in the institute so that we could save the precious forest resources of the state but also can look for the restoration of state ecology. The institute also proposes to undertake the challenge of using nano techniques in the industries working in the state in the areas of medicines, health care, food production, food processing, electronics, automobiles etc.
The institute shall have the facilities of adequate classrooms, labs along with high end equipment for pursuing quality research. It is also proposed that the institute shall have MOUs with national and international institutes of repute where our students shall visit for hands on experiences and the scientists as well as students/research scholars of these institutes shall also visit our institute for interaction and studies of the geographical terrains of this region.
We will also venture in the direction of production and commercialization of advance materials like Graphene. We will be establishing partnership with industries for its successful commercialization. Idea is to develop one incubation cum profit center as well, where inhouse scholars may avail jobs too. After successful incubation of one center, the same would be applied for few more departments in future.